AI for Social Good

The AI for Social Good (AI4SG) Initiative leverages artificial intelligence to tackle global challenges, with a focus on empowering the next generation. We offer engaging AI4SG  Camps and educational  Textbooks, reaching children around the globe.
We also offer through collaborations with partners diverse educational programs such as webinars and workshops to enhance AI for Social Good, ensuring technology serves humanity universally.

Service Areas
AI4SG Lectures & Workshop

We provide AI for Social Good lectures and workshops to encourage youth and college students to leverage AI for social issues, showcasing its impact.

We offer an AI for Social Good Summer Camp for youth and college students to highlight the value of these initiatives and inspire active participation in AI-driven projects.

We publish books to enlighten individuals and organizations about the value of AI for social good and guide them in adopting these initiatives.

We undertake AI for Social Good projects ourselves to make a tangible impact on the world and help create a better place.

2024 1st AI4SG Lecture/Workshop

We will hold an AI4SG lecture and workshop session with an international organization in September 2024. The program structure is outlined below. If your organization is interested, please contact us.

1. AI for Social Good Lecture (1/2 day)
  • Introduction to AI: Key concepts and technologies
  • AI for Social Issues: Case studies of AI applications in solving social problems
2. Workshop (1/2 day)
  • Introduction to Social Issue Domains: Presenting themes and key issues
  • Domain Selection and Understanding: Teams choose a domain and develop empathy
  • Problem Definition: Identifying key problems within the domain
  • Ideation: Brainstorming AI solutions
  • Testing and Feedback: Gathering and incorporating feedback
  • Action Plan Development: Refining ideas and creating action plans
3. Ideation Contest (1/2 day)
           Presentation of Team Ideas
            Evaluation and Awards


Recent Publications
Harnessing AI for a Better World

This book explores the concept of AI for Social Good, a movement leveraging artificial intelligence to address societal challenges, featuring various cases and lessons.
AI for Social Good (Textbook & Workbook V.1)

This book features real-world case studies of 'AI for Social Good' and includes interactive workbook activities to encourage students to explore and discuss potential AI solutions.
AI for Social Good (Teacher's Guide V.1)

This teacher's guidebook accompanies the textbook and workbook of 'AI for Social good', offering instructions on content delivery, activities, and facilitating discussions.
  AI for Creative Solution

This book offers guidance for organizations on effectively and efficiently utilizing AI, from successfully launching new products or projects to addressing a wide range of diverse and complex problems.
Who We Are

CGSI is a consulting group specializing in sustainability and innovation strategies. We help clients create social and environmental value while fostering growth through innovation.

With expertise in sustainability, ESG, and management strategies, CGSI supports clients' growth and development, offering solutions for a sustainable future.

We also collaborate on social impact projects, bringing together experts and partners to turn ideas into successful businesses or programs. CGSI acts as a connector and catalyst for development and growth. 

Learn About the Initiative Founders
Tony Choi

Tony Choi leads CGSI, a consultancy focused on sustainability and innovation. He has a rich background in ICT, having worked directly under the President of Korea on ICT policy and at Microsoft, where he put his passion for technology to work. Tony also founded ICT Hope, an NGO aimed at using technology for social good, and consulted for the World Bank. Recognized by the BMW Foundation as a Responsible Leader in 2011, Tony is dedicated to making a positive impact through technology and innovation.
Shahid Uddin Akbar

Shahid Uddin Akbar is the CEO and the driving force behind BIID, an NGO that blends ICT with innovation in Bangladesh. He played a key role in developing the eAgriculture Strategy with ITU and FAO and helped introduce the Rural ICT Market to Bangladesh. Shahid has been involved in global ICT initiatives like the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and the WIFI Program with UN APCICT. His latest project, Nutrition Club, aims to engage youth in nutrition to support SDGs 1, 2, and 3, highlighting his commitment to using innovation for social change.

Phone: +82 70 7918 9598
+82 10 3129 3598

Address: 3rd Fl. 11 gil 61, Ogeum-ro, Songpa-gu
Seoul, Korea, 05545